April 20, 2024

Nas "Illmatic" 30th Ann. Mix (Side A, DJ Filthy Rich)

A tribute to the classic Illmatic? Sure you right. Toronto's DJ Filthy Rich has blessed us with another fine mix; this is Side A in honor of the 30th Anniversary of the debut opus from Nas, Illmatic. Side A aka 40 Side North, includes a mix of original samples, original blends and remixes including early gems like "Live at the BBQ," "Back To The Grill," a freestyle from '93 on Stretch and Bobbito; blends to "Genesis," "Represent" and "Halftime," as well as the remix to "One Love" and more. Y'all already know, this is the single greatest hip-hop LP of all-time, to me... always has been. When Side B comes out, you bet it'll be posted here as well. Meanwhile, listen below and hit the tags for a dozen posts in honor of Illmatic over the years (press kits, publicity photos, mixes, reviews + more).