November 04, 2020

An Election To Remember...

A lot on my mind as we enter the end of election day, without a clear answer on who will be the President of the United States of America. I think back to 2008... A statement by Q-Tip endorsing Barack Obama, where he shared (in part): "Hip Hop culture was the product of the impoverished who found strength and solace in this music phenomenon. It is a transformational art form born of neighborhoods where crime and drugs were on the rise and self-esteem was sinking.  The education system was failing, and the odds were against us. But as a people, we persevered. I know about having true substance, new ideas and a desire for fundamental change like Senator Obama.  This is not an emotional decision, although I am moved by Obama¹s American story. I am endorsing Barack Obama because I feel that we can benefit greatly from a leader that offers sound judgment and experience rooted in the lives of real people. We can change our economy.  We can change our health care.  We can change the course of the Iraq war. We can change our neighbor¹s minds about nuclear weapons.  The only way we can have this renaissance is with the Senator from Illinois as President of the United States. We are on the brink of moving past our stigmas and preconceived thoughts to make a substantive decision for change… The change is Barack Obama.” The movie "Big Words" has also been playing in the background this evening - a story about members of a once-promising hip-hop group, now in their late 30's, struggle with regret, disappointment, and change on Election Night, 2008. A really solid independent film, in my opinion - watch it! Ultimately, there's division in this country that's been hard to put to words, but it's clear we need to do (much) better. I pray we collectively take steps forward, and that this election proves that the overwhelming majority of our country has empathy & a proper moral compass. Oh, and I hope that you voted, too.