December 24, 2016

Anti-Lilly "91 Regal" (Album Stream)

Another solid release from Houston, TX's Anti-Lilly! He introduces the project saying, "Life is a real gift. This project is dedicated to the past 23 years of my life which has been a beautiful whirlwind filled with many ups and downs. Through my short time I've grown to understand that every experience; no matter the outcome is only there for you to learn from. You gotta embrace the hand that you have to appreciate what's in front of you. These 7 tracks encapsulate my reaction to my environment in my best form of expression. I appreciate you for listening and thank you for all of your support. Much love to you." - Anti-Lilly. Please hit up the tags for more content from this important young voice - I believe in his character, and his music, but he'll need all your support!